Squire Wolfbane's Surprise Page!

Cool smiling face My First Award! Cool smiling face

*excited grin* Look at the award that I just won today (May 22)!!!

It's my very first award for my web pages! Thanks, Fantassia! *smiles*

Fantassia's award

bad boy Some Shortcuts To: bad boy

[Back to the top!] [My main page.] [Fantassia's Palace] [The Gathering] [Fun Places to Go!]
[My WWW Friends!] [Prince's bedroom!] [Please Sign My Guestbook!]

Catch the running mouse to send me some e-mail! *giggling* He's Prince's pet mouse and he's very friendly, even though he is a bit mischievous sometimes!

This web page was first installed as of 22 May 1997!

Phyllis's Backgrounds & Alphabets

Click on the button to get some wonderful backgrounds like this one! *smiles*

The Mouse Pad